Trisha Tortolani Skin Care


Let’s chat.


Contact Form:


➤ Location

Jefferson Street Plaza
1732 Jefferson Street, Suite 4
Napa, CA 94559
(Just South of the Hayes/E Street cross street on the East side of Jefferson. My office is located in the far back left hand corner of the complex) 

By Advanced Appointment Only

☎ Contact

(707) 812-1231 (Text or Call)

If you cancel within the 48-hour window you will be charged/invoiced for half of your appointment fee.
When you book an appointment you are HOLDING that space for yourself and keeping it from others.  When you cancel too close to the appointment it leaves us with an empty space that could have been filled with another client had we had more notice.  I thank you for your agreement to pay the fee when you need to cancel outside of the policy window.

I am connected to hundreds of acne specialists just like me, all around the country. Please let me know if you are looking for a specialist closer to you and I will check to see if there is one in your area.